Lynette Louise


Welcome to the Ghosts and Goblins of my Mind!

The night my grandfather died the phone rang late at night. I sat up and said, “Grandpa’s dead.” I was twelve. And he was dead. Inner knowing based on the logic of a late night call, or a grandfather vacuum in the air?

Six months after my brother was murdered my friend and I were playing with Ouija and a ‘spirit’ force moved the planchette, our hands barely touching it … it claimed to be my brother and told me that my husband was having an affair. It told me the particulars and the affair turned out to be true. Inner knowing disguised as my brother, or my brother disguised as a planchette?

The day my father died I was on the plane going to see him when he showed up outside my window. He said goodbye. I am sorry. Inner knowing and a desire for the apology, or my father needing to say something before leaving the planet? The time of his death turned out to be right then.

A lover that I had walked away from, making plans to reunite once my children were grown, died of an overdose. I saw a tumbling kaleidoscope of colors and emotions permeate my mind’s eye and VOILA! he manifested into my awareness. He stayed with me for a year and a half. Keeping me company. Healing my spine (verified by x-rays) and helping me survive the challenges of relocating to California. An invisible friend, or a friend made invisible?

Ghosts and Ghouls? Or Mind Goblins and Imaginary Friends?

I don’t know.

I also don’t care.

They are just a part of the fabric of my life.

They bring gifts.

Like The WingMaker. When a dear child died, her spirit lifted me out of my grief by sharing the richness of all I had given her, and the importance of seeing it all.

Even the Goblins.

Happy Hallowe’en!


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