Story Ideas
Misconceptions That Hinder Happiness and Progress
Friday, February, 19, 2021
I’m often asked unexpected questions. Recently I was asked to offer insights on a few common lies or misconceptions we tell ourselves that hinder progress. My literal mind understood “hinder progress” as meaning in society. The progress of a society. Then, as I was answering the questions, questions that covered specific lies and misconceptions chosen
The Novel Coronavirus and Your Autistic Child
Monday, March, 16, 2020
Dr. Lynette Louise offers tips to help relieve worry and ease health risks from COVID-19 when your child has autism. Simi Valley, CA, March 16, 2020 – Every day of every year we work to take care of our health and the health of our loved ones. During times of increased risk it often
HALLOWEEN: The Holiday Made for Autism (With These Important Tips)
Thursday, September, 03, 2015
Spooky and wild. Scary and different. Kind of like learning that your family is now going to perk up and listen every time they hear the word autism. That doesn’t mean every day is like Halloween for these families. It isn’t. But Halloween can be an excellent opportunity for playfully fun learning’s. Global autism expert,
Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD Shares The Science of Purposeful Play~Raising Autism Awareness Every Day
Saturday, March, 29, 2014
April is Autism Awareness Month, and while the disability world gets busy looking for ways to raise much needed awareness, international mental health expert (specializing in autism) Lynette Louise aka THE BRAIN BROAD is playing with people to balance their brains. She travels the globe teaching brain science and purposeful play to the disability community
Learning Love with Autism
Wednesday, February, 05, 2014
For many of us there is a common theme that weaves itself into our lifelong script. These themes are not only great for call backs or silly t-shirts, but also offer tailor made opportunities for life lessons. In the life of Lynette Louise, that common theme is autism. Global autism expert, Lynette Louise aka THE
Saturday, March, 31, 2012
Why a dad’s natural tendencies are a gift to his autistic child It’s not uncommon in today’s household to have two working parents. However, it is uncommon for dad to feel like an equal when it comes to raising the kids. Especially when a child in the family has been diagnosed with autism. Perhaps because
Saturday, March, 31, 2012
Maybe… But Probably Not. 2 Crowded holiday malls, strangers at parties with red and green flashing lights, routines thrown out the frosted window for out of town guests and spontaneous caroling. This is a very challenging time for kids and adults on the autism spectrum. It’s a very challenging time for their families. But, isn’t
Learning Love with Autism
Saturday, March, 31, 2012
For many of us there is a common theme that weaves itself into our lifelong script. These themes are not only great for call backs or silly t-shirts, but also offer tailor made opportunities for life lessons. In the world of Lynette Louise, that common theme is autism. Global autism expert, Lynette Louise MS, BCN-T,
Saturday, March, 31, 2012
TEACHING SOCIAL SKILLS TO THE SOCIALLY CHALLENGED A stand- up comedian gets up on stage before a room full (or empty!) of strangers, and for at least five unforgiving minutes, tries to make everyone laugh. This is unlike any true, appropriate social situation and yet the skills necessary to become comfortable and get consistent laughs
Saturday, March, 31, 2012
Clean-up on Isle twelve: What to do when you run into a possible autism melt down A segment on autism is coming up on your local news show and you’re thinking, ‘let’s see what all of the buzz is about’. Soon you are presented with a short piece featuring a child that is adorable and